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Does CBG affect this anti-cancer drug?

CBG ultimately liberates killer T cells, which can increase the effectiveness of PD-1 blockers and other anti-cancer drugs.

How does obesity affect this endocannabinoid?

But overactive orexin converts the endocannabinoid into one paricular metabolite known as 2-AGp. 

Does CBD protect the human endocannabinoid system?

Effects might cancel each other out, which might explain why it takes such a large dose of CBD to protect the endocannabinoid system.

How anandamide helps regrow liver cells, NIH study

And a new National Institute of Health (NIH) study discusses how one transmitter in the ECS — anandamide — helps maintain balance and regrow

What is the endocannabinoid system?

Discoveries tied together over two centuries now map an extensive endocannabinoid system found in nearly every animal.

Unique endocannabinoid system in nematodes

Recent research discovered the nematode’s depend on exotic endocannabinoid system (ECS) to utilize certain sensory and metabolic functions.

Blog: Portfolio
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